Sep 9, 2024

The Power of a Quilt

  • I am very particular about who I give a quilt to......they take so much time to make, I put so much love into them, and they cost a lot of money!  So far, I've only given my quilts to family, because I love them and they know what it takes for me to make a quilt. I became friends with a lovely lady about 6 years ago.  She was bedridden, had two types of cancer and was always in extreme pain. When I visited her, I always left so much happier.  She always lifted my spirits. I kept wondering what I could do for her. The thought came to me to give her a quilt. I chose the yellow one because it was cheery and sunshiny. Time passed and I would visit less often. I felt badly, because it was a huge effort for her to get up. One day recently, she went to the emergency room by ambulance. I went to visit her there with my son and daughter in law who were also her friends. A week later, she was home and hadn't eaten in seven days. I went with my son to see her, she was deep asleep from medication, and expected to pass away. I took her hand in mine and told her that every time I visited her, I felt like I was in the presence of angels. I told her I loved her. The next day she returned home to her Heavenly Father. I went to her memorial and went to the front of the chapel to give her husband a hug.  When I looked up, I saw the quilt I made for her, draped over the pulpit. I was filled with emotion! Tears welled up in my eyes and I couldn't speak. Her family told me that she  loved the quilt I made of her and always had it with her. When she passed, her husband kept hugging the quilt, almost like that was all he had left of her, in his emotional state. Various family and friends thanked me for making the quilt for her, it made her so happy and that's all she talked about. I didn't realize a quilt could give someone so much comfort and have so much power.

I hope you enjoyed this story, it really touched my heart ❤️

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