Feb 16, 2025

English Smocked dress

 Izzy really wanted me to make her a dress, an English smocked dress. I meant to have it ready for Christmas 2023, but ran into a lot of problems. I had such a difficult time seeing my guide threads.

She loves her dress!

I think the color looks really good on her too.

I piped around the Peter Pan collar, making the piping myself. 
I used vintage buttons too.

I piped the yoke, the sleeve band, and the back drop yoke.  I thought of adding a sash, but they're really difficult to tie with this cotton fabric.

You can see the smocking design better below, a heart design.

The construction of the dress was very easy for me, I have made countless little girl dresses in the past. All of the seams are French seams, encasing the raw edges. I'm so happy that Izzy loves her dress! The pattern is Basic Square Yoke dress by Children's Corner.

Feb 9, 2025

Quilt Retreat


I went to a fun quilt retreat with 7 other women last week. There was lots of delicious food, tons of laughter, a Cheetos ball fight and a toilet paper war. I think one of the tricks to a quilt top finish, is to go with a few blocks premade. I finished my "top knot" quilt top, designed by Lindsey at Pen and Paper Designs.

I started my Strawberry baby quilt too.  

I wasn't able to get as much finished as I had planned, but I did pretty well. Thanks for following, I'll see you next week :)

Feb 2, 2025

My Quilted Jacket is finished!

 I did it! I finished my jacket! It was fun using blocks I already had and outlining them with 1 1//2" and 2 1/2" squares. I used selvages, made some economy blocks and my jacket was born. The most difficult part was finishing the inside of the arm sleeve.  You go as far as you can from the bottom, then back tack. Then you go inside of the sleeve to the spot where you stopped. It was a little like wrestling a bear.

The jacket is one size fits all, but not quite...I'm tall and have long arms.  I would have made the sleeves at least 6" longer. I used a cute Ruby Star fabric with its selvage on the end of the arm so that when the cuff is turned up, you can see it.  If I turned up the cuff, I would have a 3/4 length sleeve.

This coat is pretty colorful! I used mostly orphan blocks and leftover half square triangles from a few quilts that I made.

Each one of the blocks that I used in the economy blocks, have a sentimental meaning to me.

This embroidery is one that my youngest son Sean stitched when he was 8 years old.  I drew it and he stitched it. I held onto it for 23 long years,  hoping to use it in something....

I love the Union Jack, it was also Canada's flag until they turned 100 years old in 1967. Then they created the maple leaf flag, from sea to shining sea.

I only used my favorite Ruby Star selvages on the collar.

There were a few areas on the quilt that I had to use some filler.

I love Hello Kitty 💗

All 3 of our sons are in law enforcement. Cops are brave!

Thanks for following, see you next week!

Jan 26, 2025

Road to California

 We drove to Road to California together, just a 5 hour drive! 

On our way to the quilt show, we shopped at Cotton Gin, the cutest fabric store.  It's located in Redlands, California.

Here are some of the cute quilts they had on their wall.

Now, on to the Ontario Convention Center. Our favorite vendor was Minky Kim, and her creations are adorable, just like she is!

Minky Kim is the only vendor where we  spent our money at!

The next day, we went back to the quilt show to enjoy all their beautiful, breathtaking quilts.

This quilt won grand prize, it's mostly needle turn appliqué.

There were hundreds of quilts, these are a few of my favorites.

This quilt is incredible!  Even the frame is part of the quilt!!!

Then we got in the car to drive to M&L fabric store in Anaheim. It used to be a grocery store, but has been a fabric store for 60 years!   The fabric is end of bolt and goes on and on. It's Riley Blake and Robert Kaufman fabric for $3.98 a yard!!! You see how big this aisle is, there were 5 of these aisles with fabric on both sides.  We stocked up on backgrounds for our future quilts :)

This is what we bought $$$

We went to Paul's Place for a late lunch. They have the best onion rings I've ever had!  I ordered a Patty Melt, it's a hamburger patty with melted cheese and grilled onions, grilled on caraway seed bread. It was soooooo good!!! Not that healthy though....

The next day we drove home, but not before we stopped at one more quilt shop on the way home. Trish Tac Sew in Desert Springs.

I'd like to thank Nedra for taking all the photos ❤️❤️❤️

Jan 19, 2025

Woven Together block

 I belong to the Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild and their first meeting in January is always a lot of fun because they have so much information for the new year. I didn't join the block of the month last year in the guild because I wasn't crazy about the block.  When I saw everyone's cute quilts, I was really sorry that I hadn't joined. Part of the fun of being in a block of the month, is sharing your blocks and especially sharing your finished quilt in January!  It was so much fun seeing everyone's interpretation of the quilt and the colors and prints that they used. 

This year's block of the month is titled "Choose Your Own Adventure". Elisabeth Hannafin, one of our guild members, is hosting the block of the month.  She gave such a wonderful presentation, and gave us ideas of three quilt layouts we can do, or make our own.

I chose a fat quarter bundle that I've been hoarding for the perfect project since 2011!!!  It's called Daisy Cottage, designed by Lori Holt. I think it's the second line she designed after Sew Cherry. Lots of pinks, yellows and grays.

I'm going to make two blocks each month, the same pattern but different fabric from the Daisy Cottage line.

This block is called "Woven Together" and it's designed by Sue Daley.

It will be fun to see everyone's progress throughout the year. Our big quilt reveal will be in January 2026!

Have a great week ❤️

Jan 12, 2025

Progress on my Quilted Jacket

I've been spending a lot of time on my quilted jacket.  It's very scrappy and it looks like the coat of many colors!  Everything I used in the jacket has a special meaning to me.

These are all the pattern pieces.  Two sleeves, two fronts, a back and a collar.

On top is the collar, I made it out of Ruby Star Society selvages, because I love those designers and their selvages are so cute! The two bottom pieces are the two front pieces.  I made some economy blocks and used an "orphan" Pineberry block.

All the center squares in the economy blocks are special to me. Dwight Schrute from "The Office" TV show.  That's not my favorite TV show, but my kids all love it!  The orange meat cans is fabric that I made for my grandson Bridger's scripture cover. The little cowboy is from a quilt that I made for our oldest grandchild Bridger when he was born, almost twenty years ago!  Next is Anne of Green Gables. Both of my parents are from Prince Edward Island and I spent most summers there as a child and teenager. There are more, but maybe I'll talk about them in another post.

Some American Jane squares, I have a small collection of that fabric that I've been hoarding for years!

This is the back of my jacket, it's all quilted.

I'm using this Art Gallery flannel for the lining.  At the bottom, I've added a strip of Ruby star fabric, including the selvage.  When I have the jacket on, I will turn up the cuff and it will show.

This is the other sleeve.  I love the Union Jack block.  It used to be Canada's flag until 1967 when Canada turned 100 years old. I had to draw that flag a lot in Elementary school and it was really difficult!

That's what I have done so far. My goal is to have the jacket finished by the middle of February, so I can wear it to Quiltcon which is in Phoenix. I hope I won't be embarrassed to wear it, lol!