In 2022, I joined the Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild's Sol Bee.
I designed my block, cut and measured all the pieces, and wrote up a pattern. I gave them out at our June meeting. I had some Sarah Jane's "Children at Play" fabric which was over 10 years old. I was saving it for a special project.

I tried to use what I had, and I was successful! I had some pale yellow for the sashing, and both of the outer borders are also Children at Play.
I was going to make a scrappy sashing out of 2 1/2" squares, but I thought it would make the blocks disappear.
The center squares of all of the blocks are Sarah Jane fabric.
That line that Sarah Jane created so many years ago, is one of my all time favorites! I still have a lot to make at least two more quilts!
This is my favorite type of fabric. I call it "little girl" fabric.
The pinks, blues, yellows and low volume fabrics are all from my scraps. It's comical when you use scraps for a quilt and your scrap bin looks exactly the same!
This is the block that I made. I love the deer!
Now that the Jolly Bar 4 quilt along is over, I'll be posting on Monday mornings again.
Thank you so much for following me!