This is a continuation of our Christmas decorations.
I love this little Santa head with the sparkly beard.
When I took this photo, we hadn't received one Christmas card.
People really do love us!!!
My mother made the Santa, it's ceramic and made out of clay.
The two little stockings are antique! They were handmade in Czechoslovakia and they belonged to my brother and I when we were little kids. My daughter bought me the snowglobe when we lived in Calgary.
I love the look of sparkly Christmas ornaments in glass jars.
I bought this little house at Home Goods.
There is a switch that turns the lights on and off.
I especially love this house, it has a pastel pink roof and the switch lets you keep the light one color, or five different colors, switching from one color to another. It's a "Fancy Nancy" house.
My mother is really talented. She made the stain glass lamp, and the ceramic base and also did the electrical work.
I've had this silver Santa bowl for years, and have always put candy in it. This year I put some vintage ornaments in it and it looks sparkly.
I took all the photos at night because I think it is so cozy to have all the Christmas lights on when it is dark.
Next to that table, is this little end table. The silver and pink ornaments are little picks that I bought at JoAnn Fabrics last year, at 75% off. I thought they were so pretty and knew I could use them somewhere!
I made this vintage looking garland last year.
I bought an old book at the thrift store, tore out the pages and folded them accordian style. I had to staple three pages together to make the circle. I found the idea on pinterest.
I bought cardboard letters at Hobby Lobby, covered the top of them in "tacky glue" (it doesn't drip), and immersed them in silver glitter. It would be a cute idea for any celebration such as a wedding reception, baby shower, birthday, etc.
I bought these snowflake picks at 75% off at Joann Fabrics.
The blue bristle brush tree is from Home Goods.
The little Santa bell has lost its bell. It used to be painted in traditional Christmas colors. I thought it was dated, so I spray painted it white. I think it fits really well with the grouping.
Garlands are so expensive and after Christmas, all the pretty ones are sold. I bought a cheap garland and dressed it up myself. I added pine cones, red berry picks and sparkly aqua Christmas balls.
I think it really dresses up the banister.
I forgot to show you this adorable kitchen towel.
My daughter made it for me a few years ago.
I have threatened everyone's life not to wipe their hands on it!
It's for decorative purposes only...
I hope you have enjoyed the tour, I will show you the rest at the end of the week. See you then!

Oh my goodness.....what a bounty of beauty! You have so many wonderful ideas for me to year....because I'm totally worn out!! :o) Your kitchen towel speaks to me!! Precious!!