Showing posts with label quilters nest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilters nest. Show all posts

Oct 30, 2023

My Quilt Retreat

 I went to another quilt retreat and had the time of my life!  I hadn't met  two of the ladies before, they were so nice 💗

Our quilt retreat was in Payson, Arizona, a two hour drive from my home.  It was in the mountains, and the drive was beautiful! I saw lots of saguaro cactuses on the way and the sun always shines in Arizona.

Here we all are in our matching tee shirts.  It's a beautiful day to quilt.
The Copper Needle is a beautiful quilt shop, just a mile from where we stayed at the Quilter's Nest. The Quilter's Nest is a beautiful home that was built for quilt retreats.  There are four bedrooms and three full baths.  Each bedroom has two twin beds with beautiful quilts everywhere.  It is so comfortable, it's like a home away from home.

We were lucky enough to be in Payson for "demo day" by Gina, owner of the Copper Needle.  Gina designs a quilt and demo's the technique used.  This month, she demo'd how to sew a partial seam, and her new pattern is called Frolic. If we bought one or more of her kits for the Frolic pattern, we got 25% off, a really great deal!  Almost all of us bought a kit, the quilt only takes about 6 hours to make. Win!!!

Here we are in the sewing room at the beginning of the retreat before anyone had a finish!

Here's my finished "peek a boo pumpkin" quilt top.  Made out of 5" squares, it went together pretty quick!  I used the design board to make sure that none of the same prints touched. I want to hang this quilt on my front porch for next year during the month of October. I think I'll call him Jack 🎃

Brenda was actually the first to finish a quilt top.  Isn't this hot wheels truck so fun!!! It's for one of her grandsons at Christmas.  Brenda also make the truck quilt top with the beautiful black and white blocks.  The railings on the truck are made of cork and you can put things in them!  Hearts for Valentines, pumpkins for fall, presents for Christmas, and so on...

Terri made this cute quilt top and she has since machine quilted it on her longarm! Way to go Terri 👏🏻 Sadly, Terri could only stay for half of the retreat.

Nedra made this cute quilt made out of strips from her stash. It was a little tricky because she had to figure out how to make the quilt larger with borders.  When you've been sewing all day and it's late at night, that ain't no easy feat!!! 😂

Nedra also made this gorgeous quilt.  She already had the pumpkins and stars sewn so she sewed the checkerboard and added some sashing.  I love this one!!!

Charlene made this really cute quilt and she made two table runners!

Shirley made this pretty quilt, it's a 3 yard quilt.  You make a quilt out of 3 one yard pieces.  Pretty sharp!

Debbie made this quilt top.  We oooed and awwweeed at every single block she made!  The colors and prints were so Halloween.  The pattern is by Cluck Cluck Sew. We also loved that the points don't touch the edge of the blocks.

Deb made this beautiful Chandelier quilt out of her colors, desert and sunsets. We all loved it!!! ❤️

We took turns cooking breakfasts and dinners.  Lunch was always leftovers, we had a huge counter full of snacks!!! I ate so much... One night we ate dinner at a Thai restaurant and it was nice to get out.  We also ate leftovers the next day. What a great time we had! We reserved the Quilter's Nest for next October and hope that everyone can make it back :) A fun time was had by all.

Sep 11, 2023

Another Quilt Retreat!

I went to another quilt retreat, only 3 days after my last one! Lesson learned, I need at least a week between the two to recuperate!  I would never deny a retreat though :)  Meredith ( back row, middle) organized this retreat, it was at the Quilter's Nest in Payson, Arizona. She designed these cute "Farm Girls" pumpkin tee shirts to go with our fall theme.

Meredith gave us all a little kit to make this cute pumpkin pillow.

We thought it would be easier if we went to restaurants for dinner. This is our second night at a really good Mexican restaurant.  We all wore our matching tee shirts and some men thought we were part of a biker gang! 😂 Really??? One of the men took this photo.

Here's another photo of our quilting "gang"!

Nedra finished her cute Halloween bat quilt with the bright pink background.  I'm obsessed with it!!!  Notice the orange bats in two of the corners?  So cute!

Meredith finished her Farm Girl Vintage 2 quilt top.  She's had the beautiful blocks sewn since before Covid.  She pieced them all together, but forgot to embroider some of the blocks before she assembled the top.

Nedra sat right in front of me, so we could talk a lot.

This is my quilt, it's called Sonnet by a Crafty Fox.  I don't have the scrappy low volume sashing or the scrappy borders done.  That will be for another day because I have lots of gifts to make before I can finish this.

A good time was had by all!  Oh, the stories we could tell :)

What happens at the Quilter's Nest stays at the Quilter's Nest!