I made this quilt in 2008 and 2009. I made so many friends and learned new skills. This is the most amazing quilt I have ever made.
"Comforts of Home" designed by Lori Holt.
This is the main block. Everything centers around the home, and every room in the home is represented in this quilt.
The detail is incredible!
The "chair" block is my favorite. Everything is appliqued, and accented with embroidery.
I love the tassels in the rug, the slippers and the curved satin stitch on the chair ruffle.
This was the same phone we used growing up and I embroidered our old telephone number.
I had a pair of roller skates exactly like these...they worked best with rubber soled running shoes. There are 32 pattern pieces in this block, each one is very tiny.
This quote is so true.
When I was a two years old, I remember stretching up on my tippy toes and spelling out the word WESTINGHOUSE. I could barely reach the letters.
Do you remember playing any of these games?
This word rang true for me when I was making this quilt. I later sewed a green button for the dot on the "i".
Everyone I've shown this quilt to, loves this block! My son used to watch the Andy Griffith show all the time. I printed the photo onto fabric that can be put through the printer and then appliqued it in place. We had a TV like this when I was little :)
I embroidered the countries where my sons served their church missions. My youngest is in Brazil and I am going to add my sons in law, Spain, Baltimore and Italy.
Isn't this old fashioned tub cute?
We never had a radio like this, but my Mom did.
This always makes me smile :) Donny Osmond was in elementary school, James Taylor was in middle school, and Led Zeppelin was in high school!
The finished quilt!
I forgot to take some closeup photos of the bed, with the pillows embroidered "Mr." and "Mrs.", and the cute clothesline, the crockpot and the fireplace.
Cindy did a phenomenal job with the quilting.
I embroidered a poem on the back, and when I realized how much time I had spent on it, I used pigma pen to write about my family.
The embroidery really sets off the quilt.
Quilters make the best friends!
This is the day of our last "Comforts of Home" quilt class.
Me and Lori.
Marianne, me and Betty.
Nadine (Material Girls) and me.
Beth and me.
I hope you enjoyed seeing my most favorite quilt of all!!!