I haven't been able to sew, all my time has been spent preparing for girl's camp!
Our girl's camp is for young women ages 12-17 years old.
There are 180 girls signed up, we go to a beautiful camp in the mountains, and have all our meals prepared for us by lovely chefs :)
Here is my gear layed out, ready to be packed! Lol
I'm teaching a Destiny class this year, my topic is
"My Three White Dresses".
These are all the visuals for my class!
I teach it in the woods, I hope I'm able to string clothesline around some trees to hang my dresses and quilt :)
That's my wedding dress stuffed in the bin!
It's layers of lace of soft polyester lace and never seems to wrinkle.
The theme of our camp is "Light the Fire Within", the Olympics.
My three friends and I are Team USA.
Each day we'll be wearing matching outfits.
I made tutus for us to wear for one of the days, 36 yards of tulle!
This is just two of them, don't they look pretty on the red chair, with the sunlight streaming through the window?
Wish me well, I hope we don't attract any bears or other critters!
Oh I do hope you all have a wonderful camp, I think the Internet is great at letting people take an interest in the lives and lifestyles of other countries. I look forward to your next blog on your return.