Jan 5, 2015

Claira and Clancy, a sewing pattern

I love making stuffed animals, although the thought of it is often intimidating to me.

The detailed instructions and photos were so easy to follow.
The pattern pieces were printed on one side of the paper only, so there was no tracing involved, I just cut the pattern pieces out.
That saved me a lot of time!
I cut out all the pattern pieces, began sewing and stuffing.

The arms are pinned, ready for me to hand sew them closed.
Lots of extra cute details too.
See those water soluble blue pen marks?
Those are the markings for their dimpled arms and legs :)

The bodies are completely sewn, and the legs are sewn into the body seam.
I just need to stuff them, easy peasy!!!
Notice their little noses?
Another detail is the snout, which will be stuffed and sewn on later.

Ta Da!  All stuffed, with the snout sewn on and the arms attached.
The only thing that worried me, were the arms.
I used a doll needle (about 6" long) and attached one arm through the body, to the opposite arm, and though the buttons.
I sewed back and forth quite a few times.
I think these little pigs are meant more for a bedroom decoration and mild play, rather than being touted around by a young child.
The arms did come loose after some play and needed some general surgery to reattach them!

I am in love with the felt eyes, with a little bead in the middle.
The pattern had instructions for lazy daisy eyelashes, but I preferred mine without them.
The felt flower adornments and ribbon are precious too, they add a loving touch.

Clancy's eyes are a different color than Claira's, and isn't his corsage adorable?

What a lovely couple Claira and Clancy make!
Both dolls are 24" tall.

 I used all of Heather Bailey's fabric for these pigs, except for Claira's dress and bloomers....I used Lori Holt's Flower Patch fabric.
The hoofs aren't Heather Bailey either, I don't know who designed that fabric.

My grandaughter's name is Charlotte, she's 4 years old.
I bought this pattern for her about 3 years ago, but waited until Charlotte was a little older to make them for her.
I liked the pigs because of the story "Charlotte's Web", and because Charlotte loves stuffed animals.
I fell in love with the pattern the moment I saw it!!!

I had no doubt that Charlotte would fall in love with Claira and Clancy, just as I did :)

Charlotte is the cutest girl, full of spunk and happiness!
I knew that she would appreciate these little pigs :)

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Dec 29, 2014

AYOS, and a little bit more - December

Our pattern this month was Mini Shine by Sherri McConnell.
I loved the pattern, it was nice and easy and really cute!
I love trimming my little squares, the blocks turn out so much better!

The fabric line I chose for this little 17" mini is 
Riley Blake's Country Girls by Tasha Noel.
I love the color scheme and the teeny little prints which lent itself so well to this mini.

I machine quilted the mini with straight lines, and they aren't all the same distant apart.
I think it offsets the uniformity of the stars.

I backed the quilt with Country Girls as well, but it looks pieced :)

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Dec 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

These are four of my sweet grandchildren.
Kennedy (7) Lucy (14 mo.) Charlotte (4) and Bridger (9)
What does Lucy see that no one else does?????
Ha ha!!!
Isn't this the best Santa photo you've ever seen?

On and on goes the torture, but the other children are oblivious to Lucy's terror :)

How long must this darling be traumatized?

Mom, you have got to rescue me!!!!!

Merry Christmas to all, enjoy your family and friends :)

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Dec 19, 2014

Christmas Chalkboard

I made a chalkboard, it hangs in my kitchen/family room area.
I create a new design for every season and holiday.
This is the one I wrote for Christmas, I wanted to share it with you.

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Dec 15, 2014

Doll Bedding

My son is making my little 4 year old grand daughter, a bunk bed for her dolls.
I am making the bedding :)
Isn't this the cutest photo of my Red Rose reading a book? Lol!

Little Boo is listening to the story too.
(This is the other side of the above quilt)

Red Rose is an 18" doll and she fits the mattress perfectly.

I made 2 pillows and 2 mattresses, they're both reversible.

I made 2 quilts, and this is a photo of both of them, front and back.

I had so much fun making these gifts!!!

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Dec 12, 2014

Whit, finished!

I made this little table topper in September, I wrote about it here.
I machine quilted it myself, with stitch in the ditch, echo straight stitch, and a wavy stitch on the border.

I love all the little flying geese, and didn't want to quilt over them.

I made this for my daughter, and she loves blue.

I really enjoyed sewing this mini, and would recommend the pattern.

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