If you haven't joined the "Baby Brit" quilt along yet, it isn't too late.
Once you get the fabric cut, these blocks don't take very long to sew together.
Week #1's tutorial is here.
You can upload the photos of your blocks onto Flickr, on
the "Baby Brit" group HERE.
I am so excited to see your finished blocks, that I can hardly contain myself :)
This is the color scheme I chose to sew together this week.

I never throw away these scraps, they can be used to cut squares for another quilt :)
I have all four rectangles cut out. I am really careful to cut two rectangles and then turn the template the other direction and cut two more rectangles. I would be so upset if the crosses didn't match, I would have to buy three more pieces of fabric, and Material Girls is in another state. I can't just get in my car and drive there in 5 minutes like I used to be able to do!
The skinny light blue polka dot strips are ready to be sewn onto the rectangles.
The light blue polka dot strips are sew onto the rectangles and pressed towards the light blue polka dot strips.
I cut the edge of the three strip flush with the edge of the ruler so it will be straight. Notice how the bottom long edge of the fabric is even with the horizontal line on the cutting mat.
I cut the two strips I needed and have a long strip leftover which I will put in my scrap box.
The two strips are ready to sew between each of the two rectangles.
The long red strip of fabric on the left is waiting to be sewn next.
The seams are always pressed towards the skinny light blue polka dot fabric.
Now it's time to sew the long red strip to the two rectangles.
My second block is complete, it looks similar to true Union Jack colors.
I am so excited about my daughters' blocks! They are part of the reason I began this quilt along.
I especially like her greens and gold, and blue houndstooth.
One of the most enjoyable parts about making a quilt is choosing the fabric. I love to see what different people choose.
Here is Lindsay's finished block. It is really beautiful.
I was so excited to see the photo in my email!
This is Rebecca's block, very original. This is what she said,
"I decided to try something a little different to get a more vintage look (hopefully) and to repurpose some fabrics by using clothes to make these blocks. I used two pairs of pants, a dress, a nightgown, and two shirts. It took a few extra hours to cut the strips out of each article of clothing and make sure they were the right measurements, so it definitely added some time to my first block. I think it is worth it if you have some favorite clothes you want to keep a piece of, or if you want to work in some of the details of clothing into the quilt, such as buttons, pockets, or pleats. Or just for fun."
We will see you next Monday for week #3 :)