I first learned about Leaders and Enders here, on Lori's blog.
If you're interested, read the whole post and click her link as well.
She has lots of info....
Here is my leader, the block before the tulip block, under the presser foot.
I organized most of my scraps like Lori suggested, into strips and squares.
You can see my fabric bins here.
This is the little container I found in my office that I can use for the l l/2" scraps for some courthouse steps blocks.
The center square is 2 l/2", surrounded by 6 - 1 l/2" strips in varying lengths.
After I sewed part of the tulip block I would have cut the thread and pressed the block.
Instead of cutting the thread, I sewed another strip to the courthouse block which will be the ender.
Then I was able to cut the tulip block off of the chain and take it to the ironing board.
Jodi from Pleasant Home also posted about how she has organized her scraps like Lori and is also sewing leaders and enders.
This method of sewing saves so much thread, I hope you try it :)
I still have more scraps to organize, I'll get it done eventually!