Showing posts with label tooth fairy envelope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tooth fairy envelope. Show all posts

Aug 5, 2024

Toothfairy Envelope

 I have a tradition with my grandchildren. Before they're ready to lose their first tooth, they draw a picture of the tooth fairy and send it to me.

I then recreate the drawing on fabric and embroider it to make an envelope for their tooth.  You know how it's fun to write the tooth fairy a little note and see if she writes back!

Above is Riley's drawing and below is my interpretation in thread, lol!

Riley was really happy to get a parcel in the mail just for her!

Riley loves chickens too, so I made the envelope from fabric by Little House Cotton, one of my favorite designers ❤️
The navy pocket is for her tooth! The main pocket is for money from the tooth fairy (or whatever she delivers) and a note.

I sent the tooth fairy envelope just in time, because Riley's second front tooth fell out! I sure love that age when both  front teeth are missing!

Here are some links to other tooth fairy envelopes I've made for my grandchildren :)

I don't know why I don't have posts for all the other grandchildren, but it's fun seeing their different levels of drawing ability!
Thanks for following me, see you next week ❤️

Jan 2, 2022

Taylor's Tooth Fairy Envelope

Recently, I've realized that I have quite a few traditions that I do with and for my grandchildren.
  • heirloom blessing gown and bonnet
  • new baby quilt when they're born
  • wall hangings for baby ( this tradition ended, as my children said they don't have room on the walls anymore, lol!)
  • birthday banner when they turn 1 or 2
  • tooth fairy envelope when they get their first loose tooth!
I have more traditions that I/we do at Christmas, but that's for another day.
Taylor is 5, and she lost her first tooth!
It turns out that Taylor is very creative, she drew the most beautiful and colorful picture of the toothfairy!
Often, I trace the picture on my lightbox, but Taylor's picture was pretty big so I just drew it by eye.  

I think this picture is awesome for a Kindergartner!  Taylor colored within the lines, used different colors, didn't scribble, and drew little details like wings and a heart and a bow on the waist, in a different color!

 I embroidered Taylor's picture and trimmed it in pink because Taylor loves PINK 💕 (so do I...) I purposely used fabrics that I used in quilts/baskets/dolls/bags that I've made for Taylor and her sisters.  It can be a scavenger hunt Taylor, hunt for the fabric that I used in your tooth fairy envelope.  
The pink button is from a "Simon Chang" designer outfit my mother gave me years ago from her dress boutique :)

The backing is another fabric that Taylor can look for on her scavenger fabric hunt!  The little pocket is where Taylor can put her tooth for the tooth fairy to build her castle.  The dogs look like Taylor's dog, Charlie.

I lined the envelope, that's where Taylor can put her note to the tooth fairy.  Every one writes to the tooth fairy, don't they?  
Dear Tooth Fairy, are you really real?  Where do you live?  What do you look like?  What do you do with all the teeth?

This project definately made my heart happy!  I love Taylor and was so happy that I could make something special for her, especially since we don't live very close to each other.
Taylor's mom made this beautiful vinyl for my sewing machine.

Here's another quote that I really like and only found out about a few days ago!

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul."  by Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Each toothfairy envelope that I made is different btw, so each grandchild can have an original :)

You can see some of my others Kylie, Maisie, Reagan, Neo, Paisley, Izzy, Kennedy, and Lucy :)

Jan 27, 2020

Another Tooth Fairy Envelope

Another grandchild had a lose tooth!
I knew I had to act fast, because her tooth was really wiggly!
Isabel drew her version of the tooth fairy 
and I got out my lightbox and traced her cute drawing 
onto some white fabric.

I sewed straight stitches for her hair, 
french knots for her bodice and lazy daisies for her skirt.
Then I chose some 1 1/2" scraps that matched the colors 
and framed the embroidery.

I went through my 2 l/2" stack of squares and found this print.
Since I don't use a pattern, the flap didn't fit in the tooth pocket.
I added a circle of velcro to keep it closed.
Word of warning.....I had a pack of little circle velcros 
that had glue on the back.
I knew the glue wasn't strong enough the hold the flap together, 
so I sewed them down on my sewing machine.
The glue ruined my sewing machine needle and part of the shaft.
Be careful about sewing things down that already have glue on them!
Bonus, I found this fairy button in my button bottle.

Isabel's tooth fell out the day after I gave her her tooth fairy pillow.
She's only 4 years old, I think she may be our youngest grandchild to lose a tooth so far!
She has another tooth that is ready to come out too!

Dec 16, 2019

Paisley's Tooth Fairy Envelope

Remember when I made Paisley's tooth fairy envelope for her?
Well I gave it to her just in time!
Her tooth fell out last week :)
Paisley lost her tooth at 5 l/2 years old.

I think the tooth fairy might have taken this photo, but can you see her envelope peeking out from under Paisley's pillow?
Look at that little sleeping angel :)

This is the note that Paisley left the tooth fairy in her ever so neat and tidy, left handed handwriting :)

That is one of the main reasons I love making things for my grandchildren. ... I know that they will be used and cherished  and it makes my grandmother heart so, so happy and full of love :)
Now off I go to make another tooth fairy envelope, another grand daughter has two loose teeth!!!

Dec 30, 2018

Lucy's Toothfairy Envelope

My grand daughter Lucy just turned 5 and needed something to leave her tooth in for the tooth fairy.
I told her to draw a picture of the tooth fairy and she drew her with lots of sparkles and flowers!

I was surprised that only used a pencil, so I took the liberty of choosing the colors :)
Lucy's  hair is blonde, she has blue eyes 
and her favorite color is red.
I taped Lucy's drawing to my light box and traced the image onto white cotton, then I embroidered it.

I made an envelope for Lucy to write a letter to the tooth fairy and the little "fussy cut cat" pocket is for her tooth.

I just wrote a little something in fabric pen.

This is one of my traditions that I do for my grandchildren, making them an envelope for the tooth fairy.
This one is pretty big, the others have been pretty small.
I just go with the design I guess :)

Aug 13, 2018

Kylie's Tooth Fairy Envelope

Kylie, one of my grand daughters, is 5 1/2 years old and will soon be going to Kindergarten.
She called me a couple of weeks ago and told me that she has her first loose tooth, 
and asked me if I could make her a tooth fairy envelope :)

She drew a picture of the tooth fairy, I taped it to my lightbox and traced it onto fabric.

I used a white on white stripe, 
thought it would add some extra interest.

I didn't use an embroidery hoop, so it was a little tight.
I just pressed it on the back and all the puckers disappeared.

I tried to embroider the photo exactly how Kylie colored it.

The little bird pocket holds the tooth and the flap folds into the pocket.

I wrote on the front, but I should have used a fine marker.
I don't know what I was thinking!!!
Well, the fact is, I wasn't thinking!

I'm pretty sure Kylie will like it, because, well....she's 5!!!
All 5 year olds are happy and adorable.
Now I have to get it in the mail before her tooth comes out :)

You can see Kennedy's tooth fairy envelope here.
You can see Neo's tooth fairy envelope here.
You can see Reagan's tooth fairy envelope here.
You can see Maisie's tooth fairy envelope here.

Apr 18, 2016

Maisie's tooth fairy envelope

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Guess who lost her first tooth!
That's right, 5 l/2 year old Maisie :)

This is Maisie's rendition of the tooth fairy.
It looks like she's hovering over Maisie, who's sleeping in bed.
The tooth fairy must also be in the sky, because there's a cloud :)

I chose a textured white fabric for the background.

All finished!
Those swirls in the sky took a while to embroider :)

These little envelopes don't take very long to sew, it's the embroidery that's time intensive.

The little pocket that holds the tooth.

Here's the flap when it closes over the envelope.
I'm sure that you've read about the other tooth fairy envelopes that I've made, but Maisie can leave the tooth fairy a note in the envelope.
If Maisie's really lucky, and has been a good girl, the tooth fairy might even leave her a note and maybe even sprinkle some fairy dust in her hair :)

I left out a huge detail....I forgot to embroider the inside of the cloud blue.
I used one of my acid free scrapbook pens and colored it in.
Easy peasy!!!

Little Miss Maisie loves it!!!

Apr 11, 2016

Reagan's Tooth Fairy envelope

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I asked my 5 year old granddaughter Reagan, to draw me a picture of the tooth fairy and this is what she sent me :)
Don't you just love her little rainbow colored dress?

I transcribed (copied, lol!) her tooth fairy onto blue fabric, the same shade as her marker, and collected all the colored floss that matched Reagan's drawing.
I also wrote myself a little note so I wouldn't have to keep referring to the photo on my phone.

I backed the fabric with a woven iron on pollen.
It gives the fabric a stiffer feel, more body to embroider, and the threads won't show through from the front.

Isn't this the cutest one hour basket?
My friend Leanne made it for me, I keep my current embroidery project in it.
She loves embroidery and I think of her when I use it.

It's all embroidered, what do you think?

I added the little flap for the envelope and a button to cover the velcro stitching.

The pink pocket is intended for the tooth and Reagan can leave a note to the tooth fairy in the envelope.
If she's really lucky, maybe the tooth fairy will leave a note for her!
Maybe there will also be some fairy dust under her pillow :)

All wrapped and ready to mail :)

Reagan loves it!!!

Mar 21, 2016

A Toothfairy Envelope

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I asked my 5 year old granddaughter Neo, to draw a picture of the tooth fairy.
This is what she texted me :)

I drew the image onto fabric with a Pentel pencil and embroidered it, and added a triangle on top.

This is the back of the envelope, I sewed a little pocket for her to put her tooth into.

The envelope is for Neo to put her note to the tooth fairy.
The tooth fairy can write her back and put her note in the envelope too!

Neo was really excited when she received her envelope in the mail!
Even the tooth that she drew in her photo was in the tooth fairy's bag :)
It's a mystery what the tooth fairy does with all those teeth!!!

Neo hasn't tested out the envelope yet, we are waiting for her to lose her third tooth :)