Aug 5, 2024

Toothfairy Envelope

 I have a tradition with my grandchildren. Before they're ready to lose their first tooth, they draw a picture of the tooth fairy and send it to me.

I then recreate the drawing on fabric and embroider it to make an envelope for their tooth.  You know how it's fun to write the tooth fairy a little note and see if she writes back!

Above is Riley's drawing and below is my interpretation in thread, lol!

Riley was really happy to get a parcel in the mail just for her!

Riley loves chickens too, so I made the envelope from fabric by Little House Cotton, one of my favorite designers ❤️
The navy pocket is for her tooth! The main pocket is for money from the tooth fairy (or whatever she delivers) and a note.

I sent the tooth fairy envelope just in time, because Riley's second front tooth fell out! I sure love that age when both  front teeth are missing!

Here are some links to other tooth fairy envelopes I've made for my grandchildren :)

I don't know why I don't have posts for all the other grandchildren, but it's fun seeing their different levels of drawing ability!
Thanks for following me, see you next week ❤️

1 comment:

  1. Adorable - as are all of those cute tooth fairy pouches. I just had to go back to each one and take a look. These are so precious and I hope they treasure them for always. The pictures - and your embroidery are priceless!
