
Nov 7, 2012

The Toothfairy visited Kennedy

I told you in October that my grand daughter Kennedy, had a loose tooth.  I made her a toothfairy envelope, you can read about it here.
On Friday, Kennedy's loose tooth came out!
She was so happy and excited!!!

Look at that tooth, her first one!

Kennedy wrote a letter to the toothfairy in her fanciest printing.
"Dear Toothfairy, Please get Bridger... (her 7 year old brother)

... a prize.  Love, Kennedy"  xoxoxoxoxoxo
Isn't she thoughtful?

Kennedy put her tooth and her letter to the toothfairy in her envelope.  

Kennedy put her toothfairy envelope on top of two pillows, and under one.  I guess that little princesses sleep with a lot of pillows :)

She put her owl mask over her eyes and snuggled under the covers to go to sleep.  She even sleeps with a smile on her face....LOL

The toothfairy left her a beautiful purse with a dollar inside!!!

The toothfairy left Bridger a dollar, just because Kennedy asked her to :)

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1 comment:

  1. Such adorable grandchildren you have!! Mine are just working on getting all of their's in!! The little owl mask is as adorable as the little girl wearing it!!
