
Nov 9, 2012

Paperdoll Block Embroidery, part 2

Well, I did it!  I finished my last paperdoll block!
This is how I left you last Friday, all the lace was left to embroider.

The block sure comes to life embroidered, doesn't it?
The lace stitch is all done in lazy daisies.
The applique looks so much better when it is embroidered.

I have mini pom pom trim to sew onto the pillowcase, but won't until the quilt is quilted.

Block #14 is completed.  What a great feeling!
It has taken me four years, but I'm not finished yet....

Next week I will show you Blocks 1 and 2.
The paperdolls themselves with written (embroidered) instructions for the paperdoll owner, on how to cut out the paperdolls and glue them to cardboard, etc.
You won't want to miss next Friday, the paperdolls are gorgeous!!!
Thanks for visiting, and being interested :)

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