
Nov 5, 2012

Hallowe'en Cuties!

I told you that my husband and I were spending Hallowe'en with our kids and grandkids, and that I would show you some photos.

This is my oldest daughter Rebecca, with her new little baby, Benjamin.  He is 8 weeks old, and his due date was on Hallowe'en.

This is Maisie, Benjamin's big sister.  She is two and is dressed as a fish with lots of personality! One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.

This is my oldest son Jordan, his wife Kimalee and their daughter Reagan, who will be two in three weeks.  Reagan is their adorable little cow, and when she walked, her red cow bell would jingle :)

This is Neo (nay-oh), my son Addison and his wife Mabulane's little girl.  She just turned two, and isn't very cooperative when I am trying to take her photo! 

Neo is dressed as a cute little cowgirl.

I finally got a smile!

This is Bridger, he is 7 and in second grade, in Chinese immersion.  He is a very handsome vampire!  My daughter Lindsay made all three of her children's costumes and their photos are taken by a professional photographer.

Kennedy is 5, and in Kindergarten.
Isn't she the prettiest with ever?

This is Charlotte, she is 2.  She is a precocious 
"scawee black cat"!!!

Here are some closeups with my husband and I and our grandchildren.

Me, Kennedy and Charlotte

Me and Kennedy

Help, a vampire is trying to bite me!!!

My husband Rick, with Maisie :)

Reagan really loves her Grandpa :)

Now you can see why I sew for my grandchildren so much, I love them!!!

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  1. Beautiful grand children Cynthia! Yes, I can see why you are so proud of them. Your oldest daughter looks so much like you :)

  2. I found your blog from Leafs be happy link. It is so strange that I did. My Name is Rebecca Ann, My daughter is Rebecca Nicole and her daughter (my granddaughter) is Macy. Just made me laugh to see the similarity and we both love sewing. Wish I could show you her picture.
