
Nov 2, 2012

Paperdoll Block Embroidery, part 1

The paperdoll quilt has two paperdolls in the middle of it.  
I named mine Rebecca Louise and Lindsay Leigh after my two oldest daughters who are 16 months apart in age. Lindsay's name is red throughout the quilt with matching red initials on the tabs, and Rebecca's name is purple.

It's cute that the little bunny slippers have tabs too!

This paperdoll block has the least amount of embroidery than any of the other blocks.  The lace on the baby doll pyjamas is going to be challenging.

I embroidered the words at the bottom.

The fabric is wrinkly, I won't press it until I'm finished with the embroidery.

This is the popcorn before.....

.....and this is the popcorn embroidered.

Next week I will show you the completed block.  
Wish me luck with all that lace!
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