
Jun 7, 2021

Sunshowers quilt along

I am making the Sunshowers quilt in a quilt along, and it is a lot of fun! There are lots of tips that Megan Collins has on her blog, for sewing the curves on the rainbows.   

I got the box down from my top shelf, where I was hoarding my American Jane fabric.  I thought they would make beautiful rainbows.

I really love the rainbows with reds, oranges and yellows :)
I cut out all 12 rainbows from my American Jane fabric.  When I had them on the design wall, I realized that the quilt was going to be too big for some of my little grandchildren.  I decided to make two throw quilts instead.

Here are the rainbows that I'm going to use in one quilt.  A lot of reds, oranges and yellows.  I don't have all the rainbows sewn together for the second quilt yet but it will be mostly reds, blues and greens.

This is such a cute quilt, I'm even thinking of making a third Sunshowers quilt out of Pinks and yellows, a lemonade print.  I've got the cutest fabric for the back too!  Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. So fun to see your progress and all the lovely rainbow blocks. These are such vibrant colours - beautiful!
