
May 30, 2021

Best Friends Forever

 This is the second set of dolls I’ve made from a panel by Stacy Iset Hsu. You simply cut, sew snd stuff. It’s still time consuming though :) I made these for my youngest grand daughter Riley, who will be 3 in a couple of weeks. 

Riley’s mom told me that her sisters won’t share their dolls that I made for them snd that Riley needed her own set. Best Friends Forever was perfect for Riley, I think I’ve made all the other panel dolls for her sisters!  I decided to make Riley a doll quilt big enough for her four dolls.

I also made a lined drawstring bag for the dolls. The pattern is by Jeni Baker, the artist size. Isn’t that the cutest fabric! Riley’s favorite color is yellow.

I’m sure excited for Riley to open her gift! I’m sure she’ll have fun playing with them all day long!

1 comment:

  1. These are so super sweet, Cynthia - I also can't wait for Riley to open her lovely birthday gift and see all her dolls and quilt and beautiful bag. So special!
