
Apr 13, 2020

Unexpected Health issue, caught offguard!

Hello all my dear blog readers!
This post should have been about something I've been making, 
but instead it took a twist.
I went to the doctor complaining of shortness of breath, 
although I knew I didn't have the virus!
Turns out my left lung was completely full of fluid, 
they didn't know how I could breathe.
They sent me straight the the ER with CT scan results in hand, 
this was last Monday.
Tuesday morning, I had the fluid removed from my lung 
(over 2 l/2 liters!) and some biopsies taken.
All this without my husband or anyone else besides the health care professionals because of the Covid virus.
Later in the day I got the breast cancer which I reovered from 17 years ago returned.
It's Stage 4 breast cancer in the chest wall.
Whenever there's cancer in the chest wall, it's immediately Stage 4.
Here's a cute photo of me, lol, going for a walk.

I've had so many kind acts since then...
flowers, notes in the mail, emails, facebook messenger messages, Instagram messges, chocolate, and many acts of kindness.

One of two facemasks that were made for me :)

A beautiful mug rug embroidered on a fellow quilter/friend's machine.  Judy said they are Gladiola Tulips and they are known as the flower of strength :)

 I was heart attacked, don't think you're ever too old for that :)

Chocolate and flowers and notes.

 This is my grand daughter Kennedy, she's 12.
Those who follow my blog know her :)
Kennedy's been wearing this necklace I gave her every day since she found out I have cancer, in solidarity!
It has a little quote on it, something about the love between a 
grandmother and her grand daughter :)

As you can see, I'm very blessed with family and friends.
I know that God lives and that he loves me and knows me by name.
I know I can beat this.
It won't be fun, but I have the strength and determination to do it.
I can't let my family and friends down.
I'll try and do some sewing, but still have some things to show you.
I don't mind if you share this, if it can bring hope to someone.


  1. Cynthia, I just read about your health challenges. I am so sorry to learn about them. I will definitely keep you in my prayers.

  2. I was shocked and saddened by your blog today. I will pray for a total recovery for you.
    Ruth Plowman

  3. Hoping you're feeling better very soon..

  4. Love you my dear friend! Praying all will be well with you soon. Love seeing all the support you have from your family - and know - also from your friends :)!

  5. You look so healthy, how can this be. As you mentioned, this road won’t be easy, but you have such precious family members who are “all in” on you becoming well. Today, I celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. Lord, in your love and mercy, stay by Cynthia’s side and restore her health, Amen.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I wish you all the best! You and your family will be in my prayers.
