
Apr 6, 2020

Fabric baskets for any occasion

We broke protocol at our Farm Girl Chick's quilt meeting a while back and made something that wasn't Lori Holt!
These cute little baskets are made from two 10" squares of fabric,
and a layer of quilt batting.
I made 3 for Valentine's Day and 14 of them for Easter, 
one for each of my grandchildren.
They are pretty quick to whip up.

Here's me with my friend Nedra, at Farm Girl Chick's,
making the baskets.

Here are two families of my sweet grandchildren,
not including the photo bomber!!!
(That's my son Addison who has been photo bombing for years!)

 Three more cute little grandchildren.

Four more cuties, but I forgot to get a photo of them 
holding their baskets.

Isn't living this part of our world's history,
aka the Covid - 19 pandemic crazy?
Hope you're all keeping safe and sewing through your stash :)

1 comment:

  1. Cute, cute baskets! Loved seeing a pic of all of your grandchildren - they are all adorable!
