
Jan 2, 2017

Snapshots QAL finish!

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I finished my Snapshots quilt, yay!
It all began with choosing my fabric for each block.
I used all of Bonnie and Camille's fabric, but they were from lots of different lines.  
They all go together so well!

I love this little "bug"!  
I decided to make this quilt for my new daughter in law, Kari.
I knew that heart had to have some embroidery, and so I did :)

I really love all the colors in this quilt, red and aqua, with touches of green and orange.
Don't you love the bicycle?
I fashioned it after my own...
The bicycle block is to remind Kari that she still needs to learn how to ride one, lol.

I know that Kari loves soft!
I put a beautiful soft aqua minky on the back.
My friend Cindy, did an outstanding machine quilting job!
She is very talented.

You can see the machine quilting a little better in this photo.
The hot air balloon represents travelling home to Costa Rica, to visit.
That's where Kari's from, only a year ago!

I sewed the camera label on the back.

Here's the closeup :)

This quilt took me a year and a half to make! 
It was hard to give away...because I love it so much.
I embroidered Kari and Sean's wedding date under the cake.

I had the best surprise on Christmas eve!
I was expecting a friend to come over any minute, to borrow some tape.
I was walking toward the front door when it opened.
I thought it was strange that my friend would walk in...
I said come in, and then realized it wasn't my friend's husband, it was my son Sean!!!!  and Kari!!!!
What an incredible surprise!
I was the only one who didn't know, lol!
It was the best gift ever!!!
We were also blessed with a visit from our daughter Lindsay and our son in law Jeremy and their 4 perfect kids!
My father in law spent Christmas with us too, and that was wonderful.
Here is Kari with her quilt, she loves it too!


  1. So happy for your wonderful surprise! Love all the extra touches you put into this quilt for your new daughter-in-law! It is beautiful!! I finally had my 7 Row Along Quilts (Lori's Pattern) quilted and gave them to everyone for Christmas gifts. My oldest daughter quickly spread hers on her bed. I also made 3 smaller quilts for our grandchildren - (I think they are going to need bigger closets soon to hold them all) - oh well that is what Grandma's are for - right :)!

  2. Love the quilt! I plan on making this quilt someday!
