
Dec 12, 2016

Little Red Riding Hood, and a Doll Bassinet

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I made a doll bassinet for one of my grand daughters.
I've made a few of them, they're pretty easy to sew.
You can find the tutorial here.

I added a little "Merry Christmas" tag,  just because :)

I want to show you a close up of the fabric, it's so cute!
Pictured are Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Goldilocks, and the Three Little Pigs.

Here's Little Red.
I made her recently for another grand daughter.

 Little Red is a panel by Moda fabrics.
The panel has the doll, Mr. Big, a pillow and a quilt.
You just have to cut and stuff :)

I just love the little quilt!

I added a table, "PS. I Love You", my little grand daughter is named after me and she's pretty special :)
All of my grandchildren are special!

 I might get a photo on Christmas day.
If I do, I'll share it with you.
Have a fabulous week, hope you get all your Christmas sewing done :)


  1. These are so very cute - and I'm sure will get big hugs from the little receivers. You are so talented Cynthia - and giving!

  2. This is so adorable and such a sweet gift for a little it!
