
Sep 12, 2016

Cute little Needlebooks

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I've made a few of these needle books, I really love them!
You can see them here, here, here, here, here and here.
This is the coolest one I've ever made!
Sometimes when I design a project, I try to force myself to think outside the box.
This is one of those times....the "afro girl" is Cotton and Steel fabric.
The little cherry in the bottom left corner is so adorable :)
You can find the tutorial for this needlebook from Amy Sinibaldi, on my Pinterest board here.

The back has 12 little 1" finished squares.
I tried to "peek a boo" interesting little prints.

I think the yellow hand stitching really compliments the little prints.
I used an unusual pointed antique button for the closure.

I used wool felt for the inside and embellished it with buttons, pins, ribbon, lace and linen.

Here's the second needlebook I made last week.
I use this little Japanese print a lot, I think it's so cute!
I added a sparkly Riley Blake button.

The inside has pale yellow wool felt and I added lot of colorful ribbon and buttons.

These little books aren't difficult to make, but there's a lot of little things to sew on them, so they're a little time consuming.
I think they make a great gift for someone you really, really like :)
I definitely need to make one for myself one of these days!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww - love these and all the embellishments inside. I'm still finishing some fall place mats. I love choosing fabric and cutting - and then I ask myself - did I have to make so many :)!!
