
Mar 28, 2014

Vintage Shop eye candy

My husband and I went to some vintage shops, in Orange, California.
The minute I laid my eyes on this display, I felt as though I was taken back to my preteen years.
You know when you smell a scent that is really familiar and it brings back memories?
That is how I felt when I saw these displays.

Our kitchen (when I was a little girl) was wallpapered in flowers similar to this!

I used to try to emulate Farrah Fawcett's hair :)

Bright orange, avocado green and gold, very common colors for kitchen appliances and home decor.

I still have my Barbie wardrobe closet similar to the white one, except mine is pink.

LOVE these shoes!!!

My mom had a nightgown like this which she repurposed into a similar gown for my Barbie :)

We had a Santa head like this that lit up when you plugged it in.

Memories, these flower decals were everywhere when I was a preteen.

Down the street was this adorable shop, whose proprietor was just as adorable!
I wish I had a photo of her.

This was the inside of her shop, everything is hand painted.

 This is an antique shop around the corner from the previous stores.
Notice the pretty quilt on the chair?

Such pretty displays!

Love this quilt cupboard and ladder, not to mention all the quilts on the shelves!

I love Jadite, but it's so expensive!
My daughter bought me a beautiful blue Fire King bowl which I cherish.

I hope you've enjoyed all the vintage eye candy :)
I want to show you the vintage ladder my husband bought for me, to display some of my quilts.
It's about 7 feet tall, and I love it!

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  1. I can tell we are in the same age bracket. Similar memories! What a fun trip down memory lane.

  2. I was in Orange antiquing a few weeks ago....I need to put some pics on my blog. I sure enjoyed "shopping" with you. Who knows...maybe someday we might BUMP in real life!!! XXX
