
Mar 31, 2014

Tee Shirt Quilt, WIP

I'm almost finished with my tee shirt quilt!
Well, there's still lots more to do, but now I can see the light :)
This is the top, all pieced together!
The "cougars" letters to the extreme right of the quilt are embroidered letters that were on a baseball jersey.
I cut them out and topstitched them onto white fabric.
I really like how that block turned out.

I was originally making a twin size quilt, but it has turned into a full size quilt.
I'm using this Kona slate for an 8" border, and the red polka dot for the binding.
I'm going to add quilt blocks to all four corners, that will be an extra feature that will add more interest.

I'd say it's a masculine quilt, and there are some touches of red in the quilt.
I always love a red binding that adds a little pop!
Did I tell you that I'm quilting this baby myself?
Yup, it will be a new experience, but I'm confident that my machine and I will be able to get the job done :)
Stay tuned.....

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  1. The quilt looks great, I know I will have to make one for my grand daughters and I am nervous because I do not like working with tee shirt material. I know I will need to put a backing on the shirt, I like the white fabric.

  2. I really like how your T-Shirt quilt came out. I've made a few and have a few more in the works. Yikes
