
Jan 27, 2014

Tee shirt quilt in the works...

My son Sean, is serving a 2 year church mission in Brazil.
Before he left, when he was packing up his things, he carefully chose some shirts for me to make him a quilt.
There are about 30 in this basket.
Sean will be home on April 17 (yippee!) so I am busily trying to get his quilt top made.

This isn't a shirt, it's a beanie!
Sean has wanted to go to BYU since he was 7 years old :)

I might just stitch these "badges" onto fabric.

I squared this tee shirt graphic into a 12 l/2" square.

A good way to get the most of a graphic is to cut just inside of the sleeve seam.

This is Sean's soccer shirt, it was a big part of his life for many years.
I'm going to cut out both of the emblems and maybe sew them onto a piece of fabric.

I was going to cut out the number, but realized that the under armor fabric wouldn't be very good in a quilt, even with a stabilizer.

I put the soccer jersey onto my light box,

put paper on top and traced the number.

The next step will be buying some Kona red and appliqueing the numbers onto Kona white.

This was Sean's high school uniform shirt.  I have 5 of these!

This shirt is a WIP, and I'll show you the progress as I go.
The blocks aren't all the same size, so there will be some quilting blocks to fill in the empty spaces.
Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. April will be here before you know it. I think a T-Shirt Quilt will be a perfect Homecoming present.

  2. Seriously jealous here. My son is waiting for a visa to go to Brazil for his mission. Meanwhile he's freezing in Michigan. He's only been out three months. Long way to go. I am also planning a quilt to make while he's gone out of his old jeans and shirts. I have plenty of time left. It will be fun to see your progress. Just discovered your blog and have been looking around for almost an hour. So glad I found you :)
