
Jan 24, 2014

Bonus from the North State River Run quilt shop hop!

Last September, I went to the North State River Run Shop Hop.
I didn't know who would be interested in going with me, so I went alone.....Lol!
All my quilting friends live out of state :)
It was a two day experience, I blogged about the first day here,
and the second day here.
 The next month, I received a phone call from Debbie, telling me that I won a $100 gift certificate to her shop in Paradise!
How exciting!!!
She has an online shop which can be found here.
Out of all the 15?  quilt shops that I went to, I remembered Debbie.
She had loads of personality, and her store's theme was Hallowe'en.
My husband and I went to the Redwood Forest last weekend, and stayed in Eureka.
Paradise was an hour out of the way, but going that direction, was a great excuse to redeem the gift certificate I won.
Debbie has mostly Civil War reporduction and 30's fabrics at her shop.
I chose these goodies!
5 yards of Kona slate, and 5 yards of American Jane (abc's), and two other prints.

What a cute selvage :)

Did I ever tell you that I have a small collection of American Jane fabric?
This will make a great back to a future quilt.
I'll save the selvage for a project, and add the rest to my collection.

Thank you so much Debbie, fellow quilters are the best!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Great win. I have some of the Dick and Jane fabric which is so much fun.
