
Oct 30, 2013

Terry's Workroom

I was invited to visit Terry's home along with two other friends.
 I meant to have our photo taken together, but forgot!
Terry has two workrooms.  One is upstairs, it's really her husband's office.  The entire room is dedicated to gift wrapping supplies, ribbons and bows.
This workroom is on the main floor, overlooking Terry's gorgeous  garden, and it's dedicated to scrapbooking and card making

Each of these mason jars tells a story, you may get some ideas for your own displays, as I did!

These were Terry's mom's curlers, so she labeled them "grandma".

This is so cute!

God bless America and Mike!
 Mike is one of Terry's sons and he was born on July 4th :)

Did I mention that Terry decorates for every season and holiday?
There were pumpkins, candy corn, lots of orange, everywhere :)
Here is a collection of orange pumpkin sunglasses, just because they're Halloween themed.

Washi tape, I love washi tape!

Everything is so organized!
Terry is a scrapbooker and a designs her own cards.

Each drawer is filled with rubber stamps, and each drawer is labelled.
All the drawers are neatly tucked behind cupboards.

Terry has creatively used this cute birdhouse for a ribbon dispenser.

This entire cupboard has many deep drawers, full of cards that Terry has made and some store bought ones as well.
She is prepared for any occasion, and every celebration.
Terry is always hosting a party, she loves entertaining.

These drawers are full of tags.

These binders are full of photos and prints that Terry decorates her many bulletin boards that she has throughout her home.

Here is a bulletin board in her craft room, decorated for Halloween.

This is an antique bottle tree that Terry uses for scissors and twine.

A drawerfull of pens.

A drawerfull of glittery confetti, each in its own container with its own little scoop.

Containers of ribbon, each jar has its own color and theme.

There is a wall of windows in Terry's craft room and she has a  view of her gorgeous garden.

I have so many more rooms full of antiques to show you.
Stay tuned next week.....


  1. Wow, this woman is a collector! she could open her own store :) Very organized and lovely to view. thanks for sharing ideas.

  2. Joni just sent me the link of Terry's Christmas home and it had the link to this post so I had to come see!! What a treasure Terry is and what a talent, too! Thank you for taking the pics and sharing with us - she is an inspiration, as are you!! Nan
