
Oct 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

I had so much fun going trick or treating with my family!
Bridger was Willie Wonka.
Kennedy was Mary Poppins.
Charlotte was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.
Here they are with their new baby sister, Lucy. She's a kitten :)
This is Maisie, she calls herself Red.
Maisie is always a blurr of activity and this is the best shot I could get of her!
Maisie's little brother Benjamin, is the big, bad wolf!
Reagan is a cute little witch :)
Neo was a princess.
My daughter Vanessa was Cat Woman, her puppy Luna was a bumblebee.
My daughter Lindsay (Bridger, Kennedy, Charlotte and Lucy's mom was a pirate.
My son in law Dave, well I'm not sure what he was, but he looks prepared!
He is Maisie and Ben's dad.
This is my son Jordan as Uncle Cyrus, and my husband who looks like one of the Thompson brothers from Tintin!
This is me, a hippie.
Charlotte kept telling me that I didn't look like Grammy!
Last, but definitely not least, is Kim, my daughter in law.
She is married to Jordan and is Reagan's mother.
See what she is dressed up as?
She is expecting her second child and our tenth grandchild, in May!
We figured out the news when she was wearing her cute shirt!
Happy Halloween!

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