
Oct 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

I had so much fun going trick or treating with my family!
Bridger was Willie Wonka.
Kennedy was Mary Poppins.
Charlotte was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.
Here they are with their new baby sister, Lucy. She's a kitten :)
This is Maisie, she calls herself Red.
Maisie is always a blurr of activity and this is the best shot I could get of her!
Maisie's little brother Benjamin, is the big, bad wolf!
Reagan is a cute little witch :)
Neo was a princess.
My daughter Vanessa was Cat Woman, her puppy Luna was a bumblebee.
My daughter Lindsay (Bridger, Kennedy, Charlotte and Lucy's mom was a pirate.
My son in law Dave, well I'm not sure what he was, but he looks prepared!
He is Maisie and Ben's dad.
This is my son Jordan as Uncle Cyrus, and my husband who looks like one of the Thompson brothers from Tintin!
This is me, a hippie.
Charlotte kept telling me that I didn't look like Grammy!
Last, but definitely not least, is Kim, my daughter in law.
She is married to Jordan and is Reagan's mother.
See what she is dressed up as?
She is expecting her second child and our tenth grandchild, in May!
We figured out the news when she was wearing her cute shirt!
Happy Halloween!

Oct 30, 2013

Terry's Workroom

I was invited to visit Terry's home along with two other friends.
 I meant to have our photo taken together, but forgot!
Terry has two workrooms.  One is upstairs, it's really her husband's office.  The entire room is dedicated to gift wrapping supplies, ribbons and bows.
This workroom is on the main floor, overlooking Terry's gorgeous  garden, and it's dedicated to scrapbooking and card making

Each of these mason jars tells a story, you may get some ideas for your own displays, as I did!

These were Terry's mom's curlers, so she labeled them "grandma".

This is so cute!

God bless America and Mike!
 Mike is one of Terry's sons and he was born on July 4th :)

Did I mention that Terry decorates for every season and holiday?
There were pumpkins, candy corn, lots of orange, everywhere :)
Here is a collection of orange pumpkin sunglasses, just because they're Halloween themed.

Washi tape, I love washi tape!

Everything is so organized!
Terry is a scrapbooker and a designs her own cards.

Each drawer is filled with rubber stamps, and each drawer is labelled.
All the drawers are neatly tucked behind cupboards.

Terry has creatively used this cute birdhouse for a ribbon dispenser.

This entire cupboard has many deep drawers, full of cards that Terry has made and some store bought ones as well.
She is prepared for any occasion, and every celebration.
Terry is always hosting a party, she loves entertaining.

These drawers are full of tags.

These binders are full of photos and prints that Terry decorates her many bulletin boards that she has throughout her home.

Here is a bulletin board in her craft room, decorated for Halloween.

This is an antique bottle tree that Terry uses for scissors and twine.

A drawerfull of pens.

A drawerfull of glittery confetti, each in its own container with its own little scoop.

Containers of ribbon, each jar has its own color and theme.

There is a wall of windows in Terry's craft room and she has a  view of her gorgeous garden.

I have so many more rooms full of antiques to show you.
Stay tuned next week.....

Oct 28, 2013

Lucy Jane's Blessing Gown

I smocked a bishop style blessing gown with a lace overlay.
The white fabric is cotton organdy and the ecru lace is swiss cotton.
I used pearl cotton thread, size 8 in white to smock and stitched little seed pearls in the middle of each diamond.

The sleeve edge is finished with swiss beaded lace, and entredeux.
1/4" silk satin double faced ribbon is woven through the beading.
The gathered scalloped lace is swiss cotton.

I wanted the focal point of the gown to be the collar, so I left the hem plain.
I sewed some entredeux along the hem and attached some swiss cotton lace.  

On the back of the gown close to the hem in the middle, I always embroider the baby's initials, with the family name initial in the middle.

I used DMC floche thread to shadow embroider the letters.

The idea is that when Lucy Jane has a daughter of her own, she will pass this blessing gown to her and embroider her baby girl's initials next to her own on the hem of the gown.
This will continue through the generations and there will be lots of initials embroidered on the hem :)

This is the yoke detail on the slip.
I think the swiss cotton lace is very delicate, it's also sewn along the hem.


Lucy Jane's blessing is next Sunday, I can hardly wait to see how cute and adorable she will look on her special day!
I will definetly share some photos of Lucy Jane in her gown and bonnet with you :)

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Oct 23, 2013

Table painted with "Annie Sloan" chalk paint.

I love painting furniture and have recently discovered some fabulous paint!  
It's Annie Sloan chalk paint, and it can paint over anything without having to strip finishes or prime the piece of furniture first.
I did quite a bit of research on it through you tube and pinterest.
The paint is a little pricey but since it goes such a long way, I think that it is a good investment.
If you want to read about the paint, you can go to Annie Sloan's website here.
I bought a can of "Florence", it's a perfect shade of turquoise!

Whoops, I almost forgot to take a photo of my little table before I started painting it!

It's not an expensive piece of furniture, but I really like it's shape :)

I guess that since the sun was shining through the windows, the color showed up a little lighter than it really is.
This is a pretty color too!

I sanded the table a little in areas to give it a distressed look.
Then I waxed the table and waited 24 hours before I buffed it.
The color still looks lighter than it actually is.

The table will go beside my red couch.
This is the true color of the table, it will add a nice "pop" of color to the room.
I just put the vase of flowers on the table, I'm looking for a little lamp to go there instead.

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