
Aug 16, 2013

Paper Doll WIP

Welcome back to Paper Doll Friday ♥
Here's the center of the quilt, I changed the dolls' hair to blonde and named them Rebecca Louise and Lindsay Leigh after my two oldest daughters who are only 16 months apart.
They are grown women now, with children of their own :)

It took me 2 whole weeks to cut and sew the sashing and sew all the blocks together.

I am thrilled to have the top done, I just need to add the 2" border.

My husband and I went for an early evening drive in my convertible and found this place to hang my quilt top.
Isn't it beautiful?  I am in awe of myself for finally finishing it, ha ha!!!

My husband had the bright idea to include me in the photo.
I'm wearing a hat to keep my hair from flying all over the place!

Here's a closeup.
It's really difficult to see all the detail, but you can search paper doll quilt to the right of the blog and I have tutorials on the applique, and all sorts of detailed photos.

I'm really anxious to see how Cindy quilts my paper dolls, I know she will be so creative :)
Unfortunately Cindy is booked for a while and I won't be able to post my finished 

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  1. This quilt is amazing... I love all the itty bitty details and can't wait to see how Cindy quilts it!!

  2. The quilt is sew cute!! I love it, I have 2 girls also, who are 15 months apart and who have their own children now also, aren't girls fun?? I have one darling granddaughter and 3 grandsons feel so blessed!! My youngest grandson is 6 and wants everything I make!! He loves his grannies quilts, he would pile them all over his room.

  3. I'm in awe of you too!! I love everything about it. I can't imagine how many hours you must have invested in it. Absolutely priceless!! I'm curious to see how it's going to be quilted as well. I sure hope to make it someday. There's no telling how many years it will take me to finish, especially since I don't have the kit. I think it's neat the way you photographed it (glad your hubby included you in the photo)

  4. the quilt looks fantastic! you are amazingly talented, seriously:)

  5. Wow, this is fabulous!!! What an accomplishment. It's going to be gorgeous quilted. Can't wait to see it finished:-)

  6. I can't believe it. This is such a complex project. Good for you. I'm impressed.
