
Apr 24, 2013

Happy Anniversary

Happy one year anniversary (April 25) to my son Sean, who is serving a two year mission in the Brazil, Porto Alegre South mission.
He speaks fluent Portuguese now!
I really miss him and am so proud of his service and dedication.

He is serving the people of Brazil and making eternal friendships.
We are really looking forward to Mother's day when we will get to skype with him, see his face and hear his voice!!!

On April 26, my husband and I will celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary.
My husband surprised me with a trip to Las Vegas to see some shows :) 
We saw Cirque du Soleil, the Beatles Love ♥
It was awesome, with so much going on at once, it was a feast for the eyes!!!

We saw the Donny and Marie show, it was incredible!  Donny and Marie have a lot of energy, so many fast wardrobe changes and I had no idea that Marie could sing opera!

A photographer posed us for photos.

We bought all of them!

We saw Elton John at the Colosseum.
I really enjoyed the concert but wished that he had played more of his old songs.

We went to Wolfgang Puck's restaurant, Cut. They served us a delicious dessert to celebrate our anniversary :)

We ate at fantastic restaurants, visited Pawn Stars, Rick's Restorations, and walked the streets of Venice and Paris.
We visited the Hoover Dam.
We even found a wonderful quilt shop in Henderson!
Our 33rd Anniversary tons of fun and very memorable :)

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  1. Congratulations on 33 years. That alone is an accomplishment. My Father In Law was the first temple president of the Porte Alegre Temple, and spent many years in Brazil. Your son looks like a happy missionary!

  2. How incredibly fun. You did everything in Vegas I would like to do. I have family in Vegas but I don't get down there much anymore. Vegas is crazy if you have to drive around. But it is fun to see your trip. Congrats you your wonderful son. I wish I could fix him up with my 20 year old daughter. She's probably leaving this summer on a mission but at the last moment she's waffling. I think she's afraid. She has so many friends in Brazil, too. Isn't that where most of them are going1!
