
Apr 22, 2013

Bee in My Bonnet Row Along - Baskets

I'm playing catch up......I completed my little row of baskets.
I tried to choose fabric that represented what a basket might hold.
This one might hold some strawberries.....

This basket could be used to pick flowers.

This basket is for picking cherries.

This basket just looks pretty :)

This basket is for apple picking.

Here's another basket to use for picking flowers.

Could this basket be used to hold cotton balls, or bubbles?  Lol!

Here are my seven little baskets all in a row.

I've chosen the fabric for the skinny border and the scalloped border......stay tuned!

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  1. Your baskets are so cute. I can think of a whole quilt with them. They remind me of mine. We have good taste in fabric!
