
Oct 17, 2012

Bee in my Bonnet Row Along

I've been working on Lori's Row Along, and having a great time doing it!  I showcased the fabrics I chose for the quilt and Row 1 here.  The butterflies are Row 2.  For me, the best part of making a quilt is choosing the fabric :)

I know this photo is sideways, but that is how the butterfly row will be sewn into the quilt.  The fabric for each butterfly was chosen with great care!

This is rows 1 and 2 together.  Lori is designing the quilt as she goes although I know she has the large picture in her head.  Even though the rows are numbered, we don't really know what order they will be in the quilt.

This is row 3, zig zags.

This is Rows 1, 2 and 3 together.
Peekaboo to my fabric, stash! LOL

This is Row 4, don't you just love the apples?  I made 2 large design boards and really love them!  They are from Lori's tutorial.

McIntosh, Gala, Fuji, Granny Smith and Pink Lady apples.  Isn't the apple core cute?  I also took great care in choosing the greens for the leaves.  Each of the leaves is a different fabric.

Golden Delicious and more varieties of red apples.

Rows 1, 2, 3, and 4.  This is going to be the cutest quilt!  My husband is going to say, "What are you going to do with this quilt?"
My reply, "I don't know, enjoy it, admire it, perhaps give it away?"
What would you say to your husband as I'm sure he wonders what you are going to do with all of your quilts too!!!

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  1. Your rows are looking stunning! I may just have to jump in on this row along after seeing your rows.

  2. Spectacular rows!!! And you've done such a great job with your photos!

  3. I'm so envious that you have that much done on Lori's Row Quilt. Very cute! She keeps encouraging me to join along, and life interupts my starts. But, I'll get there eventually!

  4. Your rows are so adorable!! :o)
    I am finishing my apples today and hopefully
    will post tomorrow. :o) Isn't this going to
    be the cutest quilt ever?
    Have a nice day. :o) Trish

  5. Your rows are adorable, and the shelves with fabric, amazing!
