
Jul 20, 2012

Binding Tutorial, Part 2

I hope you read my binding tutorial, part 1.  It can be found here.
After I have attached the binding to the front of the quilt, I hand sew it on the back.
There are a few tools of the trade that I always use for this.
Scissors, quilting thread, needle and pins.

I pin the binding on the back, so that the binding hugs the quilt, and the machine stitching is hidden.

I thread my needle with a single thread and knot the end. Then I use a blind stitch. Take a small bite out of the fabric on top (binding).....

.......and take a few fabric threads from the quilt (pink fabric), directly below where you took a stitch in the binding.  Then take another stitch in the binding, about a centimeter or 1/4" away from your previous stitch.  

Now we're coming close to the corner.

Pin around the corner, the miter takes its shape naturally because of the method it was sewn in part 1.  Help it along by pinning.

I take little stitches along the miter seam in the corner, going down and then coming back up again.

Continue on your merry little way, stitching until you're finished.

Now turn the quilt over and admire your handiwork.

This is my favorite method of attaching binding.  The corners look perfect every time.

Pretty on the back too.

I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial, and even found it helpful.

I always look forward to binding my quilts.  I can grab my tools, stretch out my legs and hand sew while I watch or listen to the TV. 

My little quilt is colorful, do you think it looks good on the chair?

My cute little "grandmother" looks nice on the mini quilt. My mother sculpted her.  She has a faraway, pensive look in her eyes.  She has lived a rich life and when she sits down to sew all of the many warm memories of children and grandchildren and friends flow through her mind as she thinks and quilts.
She looks kind of sad though, maybe all she has left to keep her company are her memories and her quilts.....

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  1. Love your colors and your finished project looks so cute on the back of your red chair.

  2. nice color combinations, I love that it's hand stitched!
