
May 30, 2012

Travel Pillow

I made a little pillow for my grand daughter Kennedy when she was younger.  I originally made the pillow for her doll.

Kennedy liked the pillow so much that she shared it with her doll.

I bought the pillow form at JoAnn's, it is 12" X 16".  I use a fat quarter for one side and a fat quarter for the other side.

I choose a third fabric for the ruffle. Using three different fabrics lets me have the thrill (lol!) of coordinating and matching!!!

I made another pillow to match a baby quilt.

The baby quilt was made of Lila Tueller fabric also.

I was starting to be envious of these little pillows, I wanted one!  My daughter Rebecca and grand daughter Maisie and I took the red eye to New York City last summer.  The thought came to me to make us each a pillow for the plane ride.  

I have so many beautiful fat quarters, that it was really hard to choose which one I wanted to use.  I don't know if you can see the little "Bambi" on the ruffle.  I love that fabric but now I don't have anymore of it.  It came in yellow and blue and brown and I really wish I had some more of it.

The pillow was so handy on the airplane. The armrests are so hard on the planes, and resting my arm on the pillow felt so good. When Maisie was sleeping, it was nice to have the extra cushioning that the pillow gave.  Now I take the pillow with me when I fly and go on  road trips.  I often put the pillow against my lower back for support.  The pillow is very lightweight too.
I decided to make a "manly" pillow for my son who would be flying to Brazil.  

This fabric was about as "manly" as my stash allowed!  It is by Tina Givens and looks like an African print.  Instead of sewing a "girly" ruffle along the edge, I just sewed a trim, so easy!  The above side is a little more masculine than the one below...

My son loved the pillow and stuffed it into his back pack for his trip.  I'm sure he will find it very useful during his two year mission.
I hope you will get the bug and make one for yourself or someone you love.

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  1. That is a great idea! I need to make some travel pillows for the grandbabies who will be spending almost an entire month in Utah (sniff, sniff)
