
May 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Dinner quilt

This is one of my favorite quilts, it is so much fun to hang it on the wall every Thanksgiving, through the Christmas holidays.

This quilt was designed by Lori Holt from Bee in my Bonnet.
Notice how the border looks like turkey feathers :)

It comes complete with the turkey and all the fixings.

The quilt is all applique and embroidery.  It took a while to applique the letters!

I cut off the mashed potatoes in the photo, but you can see the potato masher, the cranberry jelly and Grammie's gravy.  My mom made the best gravy from scratch with the turkey neck and some of the insides.  I can barely stand to look at those things, let alone touch them!

The pies, oh the pies!!!  Jordan makes a killer pecan pie tart and sweet potato pie.  Kim's favorite is pumpkin pie.  Rebecca's favorite is harvest fruit nut pie.  Lindsay makes a different specialty every year.  Our family loves key lime pie, but not usually for Thanksgiving.  I really like the traditional French Canadian sugar pie, and another Canadian favorite, rhubarb.  Vanessa made her first pie ever last Thanksgiving and it was a difficult one, Harvest Fruit Nut.  It was superb!

I think that Lindsay made the two pies on the left, Jordan made the one on the top right, and I made the pecan one on the bottom right.

I could go on and on about the pies....Jordan made the pecan pie with the crushed pecan tart shell on the left, Lindsay made the pumpkin pie covered in whipped cream with the cinnamon swirl crust pictured on top, Vanessa's first pie, the Harvest Fruit Nut on the top right even with a pastry heart!  Jordan also made the sweet potato pie with the meringue top, on the bottom.

Do you see the cinnamon swirls on Lindsay's pie crust?

What Thanksgiving dinner isn't complete without homemade stuffing in a vintage pyrex dish with pink embroidery :)

All of our Thanksgiving dinners include our favorite family recipe, Mushroom turnovers.  For those of you who don't like mushrooms, they don't even taste like mushrooms, they are just plain rich and delicious.

I didn't get a photo of the rolls block, but you can see it on the quilt.    The rolls are on the blue pedestal.

Oh, the turkey!!!  La piece de resistance!  This turkey is appliqued with basil leaves and cranberry buttons!!!  

Jordan is the expert "deep fryer turkey cook" in our family.  I think this turkey was Rebecca's specialty......marinated in brine for 12 hours and then baked the traditional way. Both methods result in such a moist turkey.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, especially when it is spent with those you love ♥

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  1. Now THAT's a quilt! Love it, so cute with all the embroidery. Another one for my quilt bucket list.
    The dinner didn't look too shabby either....
    Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Love love love Lori's quilts. You did her proud.
