
Apr 27, 2012

Maisie's Easter Dress

Isn't Maisie cute?  She looks adorable in her Easter dress.  She is 21 months old and is very tall for her age.  Maisie's face lights up when she smiles, and she has matching dimples.

Maisie has more news, she is going to be a big sister.

The dress is long, it looks more old fashioned that way.  With all the work it takes to pleat, smock and construct the dress, it is nice if it fits for a while!   It was a lot of fun taking photographs of all the steps it took to construct this dress.  Thanks for reading about it.

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  1. The dress looks absolutely darling on her. What a beautiful dress for a beautiful girl. I love following your blog.

  2. AMAZING! This is on my "some day" to do list....

  3. Such a darling girl & the dress is precious!

  4. Sweet little Maisie. Thanks for making her Easter dress, she has already worn it twice and we get lots of compliments.
