
Apr 30, 2012

Charlotte's Princess Dress

I made Charlotte a princess dress for her second birthday.
I went to JoAnn's and bought the sparkliest fabric I could find!

The dress was very yellow, so I added some color and added a fabric flower.  You can find the tutorial here.  I also bought a trim at JoAnn's that is 1" wide elastic covered in yellow sequins.  I made a headband and attached another fabric flower.  Charlotte has the perfect hairdo for an elastic headband.

Fast forward to Charlotte's birthday.  All princesses must have glass slippers.  She is squeezing them onto her feet.....not really!  Real princesses fit their glass slippers perfectly!!!

Isn't it cute how she holds the dress up to see if it fits?  It looks like she has had a lot of practice :)

Oh thank you Grammie, I love it!!!

There's nothing like a little Princess music to set the tone!

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  1. Lovely! All little girls love princess dresses! Heck, I still love princess dresses! =^..^=

  2. Ahhh!! I would give anything to have your talent, Sister Horst!! What a beautiful dress for a beautiful little princess!! :)

  3. So pretty! Love the blog, such wonderful things you are making for your grandbabies! Pecbe'
