
Dec 30, 2023

Blooming Bunch block of the month

 Happy New Year! I hope you've all got some plans for this next year. Organizing, reading, sewing, trying new recipes. Yes, I want to try some new things in all of these areas.

I haven't posted in a while because I haven't been working on any sewing projects. I've just been busy enjoying all the holiday activities.

My Farm Girl quilt group loves and only works on anything Lori Holt.  We usually meet the second and fourth Monday of the month at Quilter's Oasis, a very nice quilt shop in Mesa, Arizona.

We are doing three blocks a month from Lori's books.  Each month, we make a 12" and two 6" blocks of flowers that our "mother hen" chooses.  When the year is over, we put the blocks together however we want and have a huge trunk show!  It's always so much fun and includes lots of laughter and good food.

Here are the blocks I've made so far, I'm using Ruby Star Society fabric and my background is a silvery Christmas print by Gingeber.

As you can see, we have already been doing this for 5 months.

For Christmas my son and his family gave me a nice tripod with a light ring which will brighten my photos when I use my iPhone to take quilt photos.  No shadows anymore! 👍🏻 I used the tripod and ring for this photo and the colors are pretty true.

Our next farm girl meeting in January, will be a retreat.  It will be a whole day and evening of sewing, eating and laughing, lol!

I'll show you my progress with this "Blooming Bunch" block of the month as time goes on.

Thanks for following me!

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