
Sep 12, 2022

Sabrina's First Birthday

 Last week was my grand daughter Sabrina's first birthday. A lot of preparations went into that party :) I have a little pink plastic pig that blows up balloons and then I tie them.  I made a few balloon arches.

It was a circus themed party.  
My son Sean and I wore matching tee shirts.

I made 99 old fashioned sugar cookies and almost half of them were left over.  

Sabrina's mom prepared a beautiful spread of fruit.  They also had a popcorn bar with various spices to sprinkle on.  They had a savory one, Mexican chocolate, cinnamon and theater butter.  There were m&ms to add and praline pecans and little chocolate peanut butter cups.

Karina made Sabrina a banana loaf cupcake with whipped cream frosting, minus the sugar.  Sabrina loved it!!!

I drew this chalkboard for the party.

There were about 35 people who came, and it was fun to see all 9 one year olds play together :) There was a piñata, darts to throw at balloons and a bounce house!!! Sean grilled hot dogs which were delicious.

One more photo of Sabrina loving her little doll I made for her 💗

1 comment:

  1. So much fun - Happy Birthday Sabrina!! Little precious bundle. Everyone went all out to make this birthday special - love seeing and hearing about this special day - and that last picture of her hugging your little handmade treasure - so cute!
