
Aug 8, 2022

My Sewing Room

I was in Eastern Canada this past week, with my brothers and aunts and uncles.  While I was away, my husband was acting very mysterious!  When I returned home, what to my wondering eyes did appear, but a sewing room makeover! 

He put 8 more shelves in my closet and moved my quilt tops on hangers to the guest bedroom.  

My sewing table used to be in front of the closet but was a little cramped getting in and out from my sewing machine.  He moved the sewing table in front of the window which has a view of the front.

Those two cabinets were where the design wall is, they fit perfectly on the side of the wall.  He bought that glam picture which I really love.
He purchased two dining tables and pushed them together to make an incredible cutting table, sewing table, design table, it's big enough!
The trunk below the table is new, along with the little aqua container which is very cute and matches the aqua container on the table and on my sewing table.  The baskets on the wall are new too.

The tables have some small shelves on the side for more storage.  The shelf by the woman with sunglasses holds a new iron that he bought.  It's a Chi iron and works really well.  

You can see the baskets on the wall, they're new also.  I'm pretty lucky to have such a talented husband who should have been an interior designer.

This cute picture of Audrey Hepburn is a photo he purchased on a different occasion when I was out of town.

This one as well.  All 3 of them are beautiful photos!

This chair is new too, it's really pretty, matching the other aqua items and the chair in the background is the one I used to use to sew on, now it's for family/friends who want to visit me in my sewing room :)

What do you think of my sewing room makeover?


  1. I would have loved to see your face when you discovered this wonderful surprise :)!! How special! Love all the extra touches he incorporated along with this beautiful makeover. Just awesome, Cynthia!

  2. This is spectacular. What a beautiful space

  3. What a wonderful surprise! I agree, your husband is incredibly talented as a room designer, but I'm totally in awe that he would tackle a job this big and know you'd love it when you returned. His love for you shows in all the details, doesn't it? Enjoy ! Deb E / CA
