
Mar 27, 2022

Tell Me a Story block swap

 Amy Friend from her blog/Instagram, is During Quiet Time.  These are the blocks that I made for the swap.

Once upon a time, there was a huge killer whale.  His name was Shampoo and he wanted to swim in the beautiful blue ocean with his family.  There was a problem though, he was in the confines of an aquarium.  As luck would have it, he was able to swim free one day.  All of his dreams came true, as there was his family waiting for him.  Off they swam together, as free as killer whales in the deep blue sea. 

Once upon a time there was a girl named little Miss Paisley. She grew up on a farm and loved doing her daily chores.  One of her favorites chores was milking her cow Bessie.  She would  take the bucket of milk to the kitchen and skim off the cream.  Carefully, she poured the cream into a little jar and screwed on the lid and put it in a basket.  Off she skipped to the garden where she could have some privacy.  She laid out a little picnic quilt and sat down on it right next to a strawberry runner.  Large, red, plump strawberries.  She carefully plucked the prettiest, juciest ones, put them in a bowl and poured some cream on top.  She savored every bite and dreamed of all the wonderful and incredible things she would one day accomplish.

Lola the llama thought she was better than all of the other llamas.  She pranced around on her tippy toes and showed off her white curly fur.  Lola prided herself on never having been pricked by a cactus needle.  "Oh, I'm so smart", she thought.  The other llamas thought of cactus needles as pins and needles.  Lola thought of cactus needles as safety pins.  

One weekend, there were some little scouts roasting marshmallows over an open fire.  They were laughing, thinking that they dodged the other scouts by sneaking away.  Little did they realize that they left their footprints everywhere, which led the other scouts right to them. 

Once upon a time there was a little kitty cat. She loved growing beautiful flowers and was so happy when it rained because her flowers became really big!

Once upon a time there lived a little cat who loved bird watching.  She stood in her garden where she had a perfect view of them in their nests.  One by one, the birds began disappearing.  To this day, no one knows what ever happened to them...

And that folks, is the end of my story telling for today 😊 



  1. You are the best story teller with your lovely blocks! Love how you bring these prints to life :)! Your grandchildren must love story time with you. Beautiful blocks, Cynthia!
