
Jun 28, 2021

Lloyd and Lola

  I finished quilting Lloyd and Lola by Elizabeth Hartman!  I think these two llamas are so cute and I loved every minute designing and creating them!  Putting the quilt together was so much easier than the machine quilting.

Look at this sweet face!  I know all of my grandchildren will want this one.

My grand daughter Neo suggested that I give the llamas curly hair.  What a great idea that was.

I did squiggly lines on the llama's legs.

I quilted swirls in the pom poms.  I also quilted Seguaro cactuses on the top and bottom borders.

Here's my label from Sweetwater, I just added Lloyd and Lola, 
and the year 2021.

I used this adorable llama fabric from Art Gallery, I bought it on Etsy.

To think that these pieces were Lloyd and Lola's beginnings. 😂
I really like the Sage Kona that I used for the background.  I was looking for a color that reminded me of the desert.  All the other fabrics I had in my stash.  

Thanks so much for following me in my quilting journey :)

Jun 21, 2021

Sunshowers quilt finished!

I finished my Sunshowers quilt, yay!  I sure enjoyed sewing this quilt.  I used to save American Jane fabric when I first began quilting over ten years ago.  The American Jane fabric I used are from six different lines.  Happy Campers, Wee Play, Recess, Peas and Carrots, Snippets and Punctuation.  I didn't write down the fabric lines in chronological order.  I sure wish I had bought more of some of those old lines.  The yellow I used in my rainbows isn't American Jane but everything else is.  I enjoyed machine quilting, I quilted clouds in the background and echoed them as well.  

I love making the quilt label.  I used to embroider the information, but now I just use a Sewline permanent pen.  I may still embroider some labels, but I'm trying to crank out the quilts right now and I'm not going to take the time.  The backing fabric and label are both designed by Lori Holt.  Her creativity has brought me a lot of happiness!

Jun 14, 2021

Catching Up!

Remember the dolls I made from the Stacey Iset Hsu panel called 
Best Friends Forever?  You can see it here.
Riley loved her dolls!!!  Her sisters were green with envy, but these dolls are all Riley's and she doesn't have to share!
This smile makes all my efforts worth it :) There weren't any efforts involved because I loved taking these dolls.  I thought of Riley the whole time :)

I made my June block for the A Quilting Life sew along.
I'm using my scraps and giving it a soft look, sort of like Fig Tree colors.

I caught up on three weeks of my Sewcialites blocks.
only one more week and then we put the quilt together.
I used older lines of Bonnie and Camille fabric.

I love this little toy sewing machine, I want to make more of them!
It's designed by Lori Holt of course....100% cuteness factor.

 Speaking of Lori, here is week #9 in the Red Sampler.

Here is Week #8.

Here is Week #7.

I even finished a quilt and machine quilted it.  I sewed the binding on but will wait until I handsew it on and will show you next week.

I've spent a lot of time in my sewing room this past week, I have to take advantage of the time when I have it.

Have a great week!

Jun 7, 2021

Sunshowers quilt along

I am making the Sunshowers quilt in a quilt along, and it is a lot of fun! There are lots of tips that Megan Collins has on her blog, for sewing the curves on the rainbows.   

I got the box down from my top shelf, where I was hoarding my American Jane fabric.  I thought they would make beautiful rainbows.

I really love the rainbows with reds, oranges and yellows :)
I cut out all 12 rainbows from my American Jane fabric.  When I had them on the design wall, I realized that the quilt was going to be too big for some of my little grandchildren.  I decided to make two throw quilts instead.

Here are the rainbows that I'm going to use in one quilt.  A lot of reds, oranges and yellows.  I don't have all the rainbows sewn together for the second quilt yet but it will be mostly reds, blues and greens.

This is such a cute quilt, I'm even thinking of making a third Sunshowers quilt out of Pinks and yellows, a lemonade print.  I've got the cutest fabric for the back too!  Stay tuned...