
Mar 22, 2021

Fresh Cut Pines quilt

 This is a quilt that I began in 2018.  It was a really fun one to make, and it's been hanging in my closet ready to be quilted.  

Here's the link to my former post that gives you all the details.

I've got the top all pinned, that takes a while and is an exercise in agility!

Here's the quit, all machine quilted and bound :)

The back is a green on green pine floral, I think it matches really well!

Here's a close up with better lighting.  I did a swirl motif and kept them fairly large, so it didn't take as long.

I even added the label :) This makes quilt #13 to my grandchildren pile.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so well in getting your quilt tops quilted! This pattern has always been a favorite of mine. Love that car and truck print with the Christmas trees on top. Beautiful backing and binding.
