
Feb 21, 2021

Spell it with Moda!

 Hi everyone!  I'm so excited to have finished this quilt! If you can believe it, I've been working on this quilt since 2014.  I made some letters and then stopped for a while as I had other things that had to be done.  Like blessing gowns, birthday and Christmas gifts, life, etc.  There are so many different variations of this quilt and I really wanted to get it done.  Years passed by and I still hadn't picked up this quilt pattern.  I belonged to a virtual quilting bee called "Bees Knees a quilting Bee".  It was my month of the year and I thought, I could get the ladies to help me finish my blocks!

Here's my post in 2019.

The blocks came back and it's February 2021 and my quilt is finally finished!!!

Here's my quilt in the beautiful afternoon Arizona sun.

I correlated some of my blocks with the alphabet.
Q is for Queen, and the fabric has crowns.

M is for movie tickets.

S is for strawberries.

C is for cherries.

The backing fabric is alphabet letters by American Jane.
Interesting story.....I went on a two day quilt shop hop when I lived in Northern California. I visited all the local (within an hour and a half) the first day and went to the far away (up to 3 hours) the second day.    I won a $100 dollars worth of product at a quilt shop in Paradise.  I chose yardage of this alphabet fabric, knowing that I would finish my Spell it with Moda quilt someday and some slate gray yardage.  The sad thing is that is where they had the terrible wildfire in 2018. 
 That sweet little quilt shop burned to the ground. 😔

My quilt label, 2014-2021.


  1. I love this, Cynthia!! I love that it just has a few simple extra blocks in there, so not to take away from the alphabet - so beautiful. Very cute fabric details within. So sad about the fire. My heart goes out to all the loss people have suffered. The backing fabric fits just perfectly to your quilt top.
