
Feb 7, 2021

Best Friends Quilt Along

The Best Friends Quilt Along has been so much fun!  With both Lori Holt and Kimberly Jolly designing and sewing the quilt, no wonder!  I really enjoy foundation paper piecing, but not so crazy about tearing off all the paper. Here are my Courthouse Steps blocks which would make a beautiful quilt by themselves.  I chose scrappy fabrics from my l l/2" stash, which is running pretty low now.  It's funny though, but when you use scraps from your stash, it's barely noticeable that you used any at all!

Here is my finished quilt top!  I love the colors, with a lot of red showing through.  The quilt measures 48" square and I'm wondering if I should add a border to make it a little bigger.  I am leaning towards yes, what do you think?

I haven't made a design wall yet, so here are all my blocks on the floor.  I took a photo, and then made it black and white to see the values of the different colors.  It worked, so this is the order that the blocks will be in.

I added Lori Holt's wideback fabric from her Granny Chic line, for the background.  I love all the embroidery images.

This is one of my favorite parts of making my quilt tops, sewing the rows together.

Here's my finished quilt top, blowing in the soft breeze of a warm Arizona afternoon.  Thanks go to my husband for holding up the quilt.

A week ago, I went to my friend Nedra's house to sew our Best Friends quilt together.  Around 10:30 am, the doorbell rang.  Nedra called me to the door and I beheld the most beautiful sight!  My friends from the quilt group, Farm Girl Chicks!  I was so touched that they took the time to come over and make such beautiful posters and give me gorgeous flowers!  They were even social distancing!!!  I felt a little foolish just standing there and not running up to each one and hugging them....but I guess we're in a pandemic.  Nedra and I, and other ladies haven't been to Farm Girl Chicks for a whole year!!!  That was the highlight of my week even before the pandemic began!  The thoughtfulness of these dear sweet friends meant so much to me.  Here's a photo, in case the video doesn't play.

They even brought their quilts for a trunk show to share with me!
Shauna and Cindy made cute Valentine tablerunners. ❤️

Bnae, who is the youngest in the group, showed off her work of art.  Bnae is extremely talented at quilt making and machine quilting.  Her quilting is a form of art and her quilts should hang in a museum!
Her quilt looks like a giant lace doily on a sunshiny background, so beautiful!

This photo captures most of the quilts.
Do you recognize all the Lori Holt patterns?  I didn't realize the Santa hats were so big, and it's incredible seeing all these quilts in person.

Nancy on the left, said she only intended on making about 5 blocks!  That's what I love about quilters, their passion, generosity and thoughtfulness.

I loved all the posters, but this one by Brenda looks like it should be framed!  I have it in my backyard so I can see it out the sliding glass doors everyday.

Here's Brenda with a cute Valentine quilt.  Brenda is also very talented at machine quilting.

I'm pretty sure that Bnae used Hilda fabrics for her Lori Holt quilt.

They even "heart attacked" my car, lol!  I drove home with the hearts, but they didn't last on the highway....

To top off the visit, my Farm Girl Chick friends sang a quilty song to the tune of Koombaya.  I sure do love each and every one of them and they sure did brighten up my month!!!  I will always smile when I think of this day.  I wanted to share it with you so you could see what wonderful ladies they are. ❤️💕


  1. Cynthia - this is so very special! Your post brought happy tears to my eyes. Love what your quilting group did for you. My old computer won't play these videos, but Nedra shared on instagram, which I was able to see on my cell phone. I loved it! Your Best Friends quilt is so cheery, and yes, add a border to make it a bit bigger for a 'reading' quilt :)! Sending virtual hugs along with the rest of your quilting friends.

  2. It was the most wonderful day ever! How I miss the Farm Girl Chicks! Quilting with you has been the highlight of the Pandemic.
