
Dec 27, 2020

Talented at handwork

Last spring, my 7 year old grand daughter Kylie wanted me to help her learn a sewing skill.  I thought she was too young to use the sewing machine, so I taught her how to hand embroider.  I found some embroidery patterns and let her choose which one she wanted to stitch.  She chose this little cloud with rainbow colored raindrops.  She took forever to finish, but escalated her efforts as it got closer to Christmas.  When she showed me her finished embroidery, I was amazed at how fine her stitches were.  Even grown women have a difficult time keeping the stitches the same size.  

Kylie definately has talent with handwork!

Kylie was thinking of making her mom a pillow, but I suggested an apron.  I knew that the colors wouldn't fit her mom's decor and thought the apron would be more useful.

Isn't Kylie cute by my Singer Featherweight that I've named Elsie?

So, so cute!

Kylie's mom isn't too much bigger than she is, so the apron will fit her perfectly!  Kylie wrapped the gift herself and was so excited for her mom to open it.  Her mom loved it and couldn't believe that Kylie did "most" of the sewing!
Kylie also did a great job of keeping the seams l/4", she never let the seams run short of that.  I told her she was ready to make a quilt.  She hasn't reminded me about the quilt yet, but it's been pretty busy with all the Christmas celebrations.  

I wish I could teach all of my grandchildren who are interested, to quilt, but only three live by me.

Happy New Year!


  1. Awesome job, Kylie. I have an almost 8 Yr old granddaughter, so might see if she wants to learn.

  2. This is adorable - and speaks of your patience with your grandchildren. This is a very sweet apron for Kylie's mom.
