
Mar 2, 2020

Tell Me a Story quilt

A few years ago, I joined the "Tell Me a Story" quilt's online swap.
I actually joined it twice, to get a variety of different blocks.
The paper piecing pattern is found in 
"Intentional Piecing" by Amy Friend.
You can hashtag it on Instagram and find loads of pictures!

I sorted my blocks into color sections.

I've had my blocks finished for over 2 years.
My grandchildren loved choosing a block before bed
 and telling a story about it.
For instance, see the block with the cat 
and the cable sweater border?

Once upon a time, there was a little kitten named Tabby.  
Tabby was very curious and loved the feel and texture of yarn.
When her owner knit scarves in the evening,
Tabby watched very carefully....
Eventually Tabby was able to knit a scarf for herself,
using her very own paws and intellect.
Tabby was a very unique kitten who was never cold a day in her life, as she had knit more scarves for herself than anyone could keep track of!
Tabby lived happily ever after...

There are endless stories that you could make up for each block,
provided you have an imagination, lol!

I like the look of the quilt without a border,
but it's too little without one.
I was wondering which grandchild I could gift this to,
but maybe I'll keep it and it can be our 
"Tell Me a Story" quilt when they visit or spend the night.

You can see a sampling of my story blocks here.


  1. Having a 'Tell Me A Story' Quilt for when your grandchildren come over, would be especially sweet. What a lovely quilt top! Love when imaginations run wild in children - they come up with the cutest stories. A border would still be lovely. I'm thinking of Tasha Noel's Navy Heart print one, when I think of a 'story before bedtime' quilt - but it will be lovely whichever way you decide to finish it.

  2. This is specially sweet of you to make out a story from each block of the whole quilt. The quilt design is well detailed. I love to see more patterns in this line. I also took a perk into sheila’s quilt world. It had a few patterns that you can use for your stories.
