
Feb 10, 2020

Jelly Roll Race

First, I'm sorry I don't have a photo of my finished Stellar Stars quilt top to show you today.
I'll share it with you next week :)
I participated in a jelly roll race this weekend.
A jelly roll is a 2 l/2" wide piece of fabric, from selvage to selvage.
A jelly roll contains every design of fabric from an entire line.

You sew each strip of fabric until all 40 0f them are sewn together, end to end.
Then you start sewing the strips together, 
until you have the desired width.
If you're really interested, you can google "jelly roll race".

After all the strips were sewn together, we added borders so that our quilt top would fit a twin bed.
There were 8 of us in the race, we each finished a quilt top.
The quilts will be quilted and donated to an organization 
that helps refugees.

I can't think of a better way to spend my Saturday :)


  1. Lovely quilt top!! Love the pink outer borders you chose.

  2. The pink is a great choice for the border!
